I've recently begun my most ambitious project yet: the Grand Botanical Overhaul for Creatures 2. The plan here is to do something similar to my Creatures 1 Herb Update, to improve consistency in plant behaviors and streamline their use for creatures, while also including some quality of life improvements for the player. This includes:
- Including launchers for the plants that don't have them
- Making sure the main plants (pear, triffid, trumpet, aubergine, tomato, and acorn) have proper life cycles including plants, fruits, seeds, and detritus. This includes fixing any bugs in their life cycle.
- Ensuring that anything inedible is invisible - both plants that are naturally inedible and plants that simply aren't ready to eat yet.
- Implementing behavior similar to my updated C1 Herbs: creatures eat directly off the plant, hand pushes plant to pluck the fruit.
- Reclassifying harmful members of edible classes into badplants.
As I go through this process, I'm thoroughly analyzing the code for each plant, so this will be a series of in-depth looks at the CAOS involved. I will be going into the changes I've made, but won't put anything up for download until the project is finished. I'm beginning with the cacti - technically badplants, but still in need of some fixes.
- The launchers for the two kinds of cacti are switched.
- The seeds of the cacti are harmful but classified as "seeds" along with beneficial seeds.
Since the cacti are badplants, I won't be overhauling their behavior in the same way as the other plants. It's a fairly simple place to start: reclassify the seeds, and fix the launchers.
Cactus 1 (Spinnomosa)
Spinnomosa Plant
This is the rounded cactus with the floating helicopter seeds.For reference, sprites 0-9 show the plant growing. 10-13 show spikes emerging.13 shows the plant flowering. 14 shows the plant flowering with some seeds popped out. Sprites 15-21 are the seeds. Sprites 22 onward show the plant dying.
The object variables for the plant are as follows:
- ov00: Growth State. 0 = new, 1 = fully grown, 2 = flowering, 3 = popped, 4 = dying.
- ov02: How long the seed floats for.
- ov03: Seed limiter. Once it produces this many seeds, it dies.
The plant has two scripts: push and timer.
Spinnomosa Push Script | |
scrp 2 15 1 1 doif ov00 eq 1 setv thrt 200 base 9 pose 3 over stim writ from 50 255 0 0 …18 100 235 50 0 0 0 0 anim [3210] over base 0 endi setv actv 0 endm | CACTUS 1 PUSH SCRIPT If plant is grown { Ominous level 200 Base sprite is full grown Set spikes out Wait til animation is over Pusher gets no neural input … 100 pain++, 50 fever toxin. Spikes sinking in Wait til animation is over Return to normal base frame } Set inactive. End script. |
The thrt command indicates how dangerous something is for the purpose of adjusting the ambient music. Otherwise, this is a pretty standard "touch it and get hurt" script, typical of badplants.
Spinnomosa Timer Script | |
scrp 2 15 1 9 setv thrt 100 doif ov03 le 0 setv ov00 4 endi doif ov00 eq 4 doif pose eq 9 pose 22 else doif pose ge 22 doif pose lt 30 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 else kill ownr endi else pose 22 endi endi endi doif ov00 eq 0 doif sean ne 3 doif tmod eq 0 doif pose lt 9 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 else setv ov00 1 endi endi endi endi doif ov00 eq 1 doif tmod eq 4 rndv var0 100 300 tick var0 setv ov00 2 endi endi doif ov00 eq 2 tick 100 doif pose lt 13 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 else inst pose 14 setv var0 posl setv var1 post addv var0 20 addv var1 10 setv var3 ov02 new: simp cact 17 15 3100 0 setv cls2 2 15 15 setv attr 195 bhvr 0 65 setv aero 1 setv rest 100 setv accg 2 setv size 30 rndv var2 1 4 tick var2 setv ov09 var3 rndv var2 -1 1 doif ov09 gt 1 addv ov09 var2 endi setv ov10 ov09 loop rndv ov11 -1 1 untl ov11 ne 0 mvto var0 var1 rndv var9 0 1 slow doif var9 eq 0 snde pop3 else snde pop4 endi slim anim [0123456R] targ ownr setv ov00 3 subv ov03 1 endi endi doif ov00 eq 3 wait 100 doif pose ne 9 pose 9 else setv ov00 1 rndv var0 500 1500 tick var0 endi endi endm | CACTUS 1 TIMER SCRIPT Ominous level 100 If seed limiter ran out { set plant state to dying } If plant is dying { If fully grown { Set to first dying pose } else { If in dying… { …pose range { save pose Increment Set incremented pose } else { delete cactus } } else { set to first dying pose } } } If plant is new { if not winter { if dawn { if not fully grown { save pose Increment Set incremented pose } else (if fully grown) { set plant state grown } } } } If plant is grown { if night { random time Set tick to it Set plant state flowering } } If plant is flowering { set tick 100 If not flowered { save pose Increment pose Set incremented pose } else (visible flowers) { instantly Set popped flower pose Save position Adjust position for seed Save ov02 New seed It’s cactus 1 seed (badplant) Creature/hand carryable, boundaries, gravity. No click, eat/push. 1% vel lost to air resist 100% vel lost after collision 2 px/tick accel to gravity Permeability for doors Tick is random between… …1 and 4 Inherit genetic floatiness Random -1 to 1 If floatiness > 1 { add the random value } Set ov10 as copy of float Do { float direction is random -1 to 1 } until it isn’t 0 Move to calculated location Random 0 or 1 Normal script speed If random value is 0 { pop3 sound } else (random is 1) { pop4 sound } Set object limits Spinning seed animation Target plant Set state to popped Decrement seed limiter } } If plant is popped { wait a while If pose isn’t full grown { make it so } else { set plant to grown Pick random number For timer } } End script |
The only alteration here is to change the properties and classification of seeds produced by the plant.
Spinnomosa Seeds
The object variables for the seeds are as follows:
- ov00: Seed life status. 0 = alive, 1 = dead.
- ov01: Death timer.
- ov09: Genetic floatiness. How long the seed will stay in the air.
- ov10: Float limiter. Starts out equal to ov09, but counts down over time. The seed stops floating when it runs out.
- ov11: Float direction. -1 = left, 1 = right.
In hindsight, it might have been easier to just remove the fever toxin and leave this seed as, well, a seed. Instead, I changed it to a badplant and reinforced the badness of eating it. But hey, it's not like this plant produces seeds very often anyway.
Spinnomosa Seed Scripts | |
scrp 2 15 15 12 snde chwp stim writ from 30 255 0 0 …18 25 235 20 232 10 0 0 kill ownr endm |
CACTUS 1 SEED (BADPLANT) EAT SCRIPT Chew sound No neural input, … 25 pain++, 20 fever toxin, 10 Histamine A. Delete seed End script |
scrp 2 15 15 5 anim [0123456R] endm |
CACTUS SEED 1 (BADPLANT) DROP SCRIPT Spinning animation. End script. |
scrp 2 15 15 6 doif wall eq 3 rndv var0 0 6 pose var0 doif ov10 ne 0 setv ov10 0 endi endi doif wall eq 2 tick 5 endi doif wall eq 0 negv ov11 endi doif wall eq 1 negv ov11 endi endm |
CACTUS 1 SEED (BADPLANT) COLLISION SCRIPT If hit bottom { Get random value 0 to 6 Set pose to that value If float limit isn’t 0 { set float limit to 0 } } If hit top { tick 5 } If hit left { invert direction } If hit right { invert direction } End script |
Of course, most of the magic happens in the timer script.
Spinnomosa Seed Timer Script | |
scrp 2 15 15 9 doif ov00 eq 0 doif ov10 eq 0 doif grav eq 0 doif lite ge 100 doif intr ge 20 rndv var0 30 80 doif intr le var0 setv rnge 1000 setv var9 0 esee 2 15 1 addv var9 1 next targ ownr doif var9 gt 12 setv ov00 1 pose 16 tick 2000 stop endi pose 0 setv var0 posl setv var1 post subv var0 32 subv var1 56 setv var2 ov09 inst new: simp cact 31 0 …900 0 setv cls2 2 15 1 setv attr 196 bhvr 1 1 mvto var0 var1 slim rndv var0 500 1500 tick var0 rndv ov03 2 4 setv ov00 0 setv ov02 var2 endi endi endi endi addv ontr 10 targ ownr kill ownr endi doif ov10 ne 0 rndv var0 1 5 mulv var0 ov11 setv velx var0 rndv var1 -7 -2 setv vely var1 subv ov10 1 doif ov10 eq 0 tick 100 endi endi endi doif ov00 eq 1 pose 16 addv ov01 1 doif ov01 ge 20 addv ontr 10 kill ownr endi endi endm |
CACTUS 1 SEED (BADPLANT) TIMER SCRIPT If seed is alive { if float limit ran out { if seed not still falling { if light at least 100 { if inorganic nutrients at least 20 { random 30 to 80 If inorganic nutrients <= random { range 1000 Zero counter For cacti in range { increment counter } Target seed If counter > 12 { set seed dead Pose invisible Tick 2000 Exit script } Pose to default seed Save position Adjust position Save floatiness Instantly Make new cactus It’s cactus 1 Activateable, boundaries, gravity Clickable, pushable. Move to calc. location Set limits Random value Timer to random val Seed lim. 2 to 4 Growth state is new Inherit floatiness } } } } Add 10 to organic nutrients targ seed kill seed } If float limit is not 0 { random speed 1 to 5 In appropriate direction Set horizontal velocity Random vertical speed Set vertical velocity Decrement float limit If float limit is 0 { tick 100 } } } If seed dead { pose is blank Increment death timer If death timer >= 20 { Add 10 organic nutrients delete seed } } End script |
That large chunk at the end I removed entirely was dedicated to ensuring the cacti didn't die out - if there weren't enough cacti in range, the dead seed would be forcibly re-flagged as alive. I decided this was unnecessary; if the cacti die out, you can re-seed them with the launcher. This logic also deleted the seed if there were too many other seeds around, but this was mainly to kill excess seeds before they could reach the cactus counting logic. Without the re-flagging, dead seeds stay dead and will eventually be deleted.
Spinnomosa Launcher
The launcher needed minimal changes to its standard scripts.
Spinnomosa Launcher Scripts | |
scrp 2 9 1 6 doif wall eq 3 snde drp3 endi endm | CACTUS 1 LAUNCHER COLLISION SCRIPT If hits floor { drop3 sound } End script |
scrp 2 9 1 1 doif carr eq 0 doif grav eq 0 stim writ from 0 255 0 0 …36 30 45 30 0 0 0 0 setv attr 192 setv var0 posl setv var1 posb addv var0 20 subv var1 20 reps 5 inst anim [01234567] new: simp cact 17 15 …3100 0 setv cls2 2 15 15 setv attr 195 bhvr 0 65 setv aero 1 setv size 30 setv rest 100 setv accg 2 tick 3 rndv ov09 10 100 loop rndv ov11 -1 1 untl ov11 ne 0 setv ov10 ov09 mvto var0 var1 slim setv grav 1 rndv var9 -70 -20 setv vely var9 anim [0123456R] slow targ ownr anim [6543210] rndv var9 0 1 doif var9 eq 0 snde pop3 else snde pop4 endi over repe setv attr 199 endi endi setv actv 0 endm |
CACTUS 1 LAUNCHER PUSH SCRIPT If not being carried { if not falling { no neural stimulus, …30 boredom--, 30 NFP-- Boundaries, gravity. Save position Adjust position for seed For 5 repetitions { instantly animation New seed It’s Cactus 1 Seed (Badplant) H/C carry, bounds, gravity. No click, eat/push. 1% vel lost to air resist Permeability for doors 100% vel lost after coll. 2 px/tick accel to gravity Tick 3 Genetic float 10 to 100 Do { direction is -1 to 1 } until it’s not 0 Float lim is copy of floatiness Move to calc location Set limits It’s falling Random vertical speed Set vertical velocity Spinny seed animation Normal script speed Target launcher Animation Random 0 or 1 If 0 { pop3 sound } else { pop4 sound } Wait til animation over } H/C carry, activateable, bounds, gravity. } } Set inactive End script |
However, due to the sprites being swapped between the two launchers, I had to backwards engineer both of them so I could recreate them with the correct sprite. What I wouldn't give for a "change sprite file of existing object" command!
Installation Script | |
enum 2 15 1 kill targ next enum 2 21 2 kill targ next enum 2 9 1 kill targ next enum 2 15 4 kill targ next enum 2 21 6 kill targ next enum 2 9 23 kill targ next | Delete existing cacti, seeds, and launchers. |
new: simp clau 8 0 9000 0 setv cls2 2 9 23 setv aero 20 setv accg 10 setv rest 50 setv size 127 setv attr 199 bhvr 1 1 slim mvto 5200 540 setv grav 1 | Create Cactus 2 launcher. |
new: simp slau 8 0 9000 0 setv cls2 2 9 1 setv aero 20 setv accg 10 setv rest 50 setv size 127 setv attr 199 bhvr 1 1 slim mvto 5100 540 setv grav 1 sys: camt |
Create Cactus 1 launcher. |
Cactus 2 (Spikeocausius)
Spikeocausius Plant
The second type of cactus is the spiny, dark green one.For reference, sprites 0-6 show the plant growing, while 7-12 show it withering and dying. Sprites 13-20 show the seed tilting from upwards to downwards counterclockwise. Sprites 21 through 28 are the same thing but going clockwise. Sprites 29-36 show the seed spinning as it falls downward. Sprites 37-39 show it sinking into the ground.
The object variables for the plant are as follows:
- ov00: Growth state. 0 = new, 1 = grown, 2 = seeding, 3 = dying.
- ov01: Seed limit. After seeding this many times, the plant dies.
I've omitted the pull and hit scripts, because they are identical to the push script.
Spikeocausius Scripts | |
scrp 2 15 4 1 doif ov00 ne 0 stim writ from 50 255 0 0 …18 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 endi setv actv 0 endm | CACTUS 2 PUSH SCRIPT if plant isn't new { no neural input, 100 pain++ } Set inactive End script |
scrp 2 15 4 9 doif ov00 eq 0 doif pose lt 6 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 else setv ov00 1 rndv var0 800 1500 tick var0 endi endi doif ov00 eq 1 doif ov01 le 0 setv ov00 3 stop endi doif sean eq 0 doif tmod eq 4 setv ov00 2 endi endi endi doif ov00 eq 2 setv var0 posx setv var1 posy inst rndv var9 2 5 reps var9 new: simp cac2 27 13 4100 0 setv cls2 2 15 16 setv attr 195 setv aero 1 setv accg 2 setv rest 100 setv size 30 mvto var0 var1 slim rndv vely -40 -20 loop rndv velx -7 7 untl velx ne 0 mulv velx 4 doif velx lt 0 pose 1 else pose 9 endi tick 5 repe slow targ ownr subv ov01 1 setv ov00 1 endi doif ov00 eq 3 doif pose lt 12 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 else kill targ endi endi endm |
CACTUS 2 TIMER SCRIPT If plant is new { if not fully grown { record pose Increment Set incremented pose } else (fully grown) { set plant grown Random value Tick set to random value } } If plant is grown { if seed limit ran out { set plant dying Exit script } If springtime { if nighttime { set plant seeding } } } If plant is seeding { record position Instantly Random value 2 to 5 For that number of repetitions { new seed It’s cactus 2 seed (badplant) H/C Carry, Bounds, Gravity 1% vel lost to air resist 2 px/tick accel to gravity 100% vel lost after collision Permeability for doors Move to saved location Set limits Random upward velocity Do { random sideways velocity } until it’s not 0 Multiply by 4 If velocity negative (left) { set seed pose 1 } else (right) { set seed pose 9 } Tick 5 } Normal script speed Target cactus Decrement seed limiter Plant state goes to grown } If plant state dying { if pose less than final death { get pose Increment Set incremented pose } else (pose is final death) { delete cactus } } End script |
Spikeocausius Seeds
The only object variable of note is ov00: the seed state. 0 = in flight, 1 = landed, and 2 = dead.
Spikeocausius Seed Scripts | |
scrp 2 15 16 4 base 16 pose 0 tick 0 endm |
CACTUS 2 SEED (BADPLANT) PICK UP SCRIPT Pointing down pose as base Pose 0 No timer End script |
scrp 2 15 16 5 base 16 anim [01234567R] endm |
CACTUS 2 SEED (BADPLANT) DROP SCRIPT Pointing down pose as base Spinning animation End script |
scrp 2 15 16 6 doif wall eq 3 base 24 anim [012] setv ov00 1 rndv var0 100 200 tick var0 endi endm |
CACTUS 2 SEED (BADPLANT) COLLISION SCRIPT If hit floor { base is first sinking in pose Sinking in animation Set state to landed Get random value 100 to 200 Set timer to that value } End script |
The timer script contains, if I understand how the targeting system works correctly, an interesting little bug. Because actions apply to the current target, the meaning of a line can be changed completely without any alterations to the line itself, by simply inserting a targeting command before the line in question. It's also remarkably easy to lose track of what the current target is, since several commands other than targ change it.
Spikeocausius Seed Timer Script | |
scrp 2 15 16 9 doif ov00 eq 0 inst doif velx lt 0 doif vely lt 0 doif pose lt 4 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 endi else doif vely gt 0 doif pose lt 4 pose 4 endi doif pose lt 8 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 endi endi endi endi doif velx gt 0 doif vely lt 0 doif pose lt 12 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 endi else doif vely gt 0 doif pose lt 12 pose 12 endi doif pose lt 15 setv var0 pose addv var0 1 pose var0 endi endi endi endi doif velx eq 0 base 16 anim [01234567R] endi endi doif ov00 eq 1 doif carr eq 0 doif lite ge 100 doif intr gt 0 doif intr lt 50 inst setv rnge 500 setv var9 0 esee 2 15 4 addv var9 1 next doif var9 ge 10 targ ownr setv ov00 2 tick 600 stop endi targ ownr setv var0 posl setv var1 post subv var0 27 subv var1 43 new: simp cac2 13 0 …900 0 setv cls2 2 15 4 setv attr 196 bhvr 1 1 setv ov00 0 rndv ov01 1 3 mvto var0 var1 tick 100 slim slow endi endi endi addv ontr 5 targ ownr kill targ endi endi doif ov00 eq 2 doif carr eq 0 addv ontr 5 kill ownr endi endi endm |
CACTUS 2 SEED (BADPLANT) TIMER SCRIPT If state is flying { instantly If velx is leftward { if vely is upward { if pose is pointing NW { save pose Increment Set incremented pose } } else { if vely is downward { if pose pointing NW { set pose W } If pose pointing W to SW { save pose Increment Set incremented pose } } } } If velx is rightward { if vely is upward { if pose pointing N to NE { save pose Increment Set incremented pose } } else { if vely is downward { if pose pointing N to NE { set pointing E } If pose pointing E to SE { save pose Increment Set incremented pose } } } } If velx is center { pose pointing S Spinning fall animation } } If state is grounded { if not being carried { if light >= 100 { if inorganic nutrients > 0 { and < 50 { instantly Range 500 Zero counter For nearby cacti { increment counter } If counter >= 10 { Target seed Tick 600 Exit script } Target seed Set location Adjust location New cactus It’s cactus 2 H carryable, boundaries, gravity. Clickable, pushable Plant state new Random seed limit Move to calc location Tick 100 Set limits Normal script speed } } } Add 5 to organic nutrients Target seed Delete seed } } If seed is dead { if not being carried { add 5 organic nutrients delete seed } } End script |
The bit I highlighted in yellow is the part I was referring to when I said that the target changes the meaning of the line. As I understand it, when you etch, your target changes to "the thing touching the original object" and so that setv line is in fact targeting the cactus, not the seed. Which doesn't seem to be the intent! Adding a line to retarget the seed changes that yellow line's meaning to be more in line with what it was originally supposed to do: flag the seed as dead, rather than bizarrely marking the plant as seeding.
And once again, I deleted a section that revives dead seeds to prevent plants from dying out. That's what the launcher's for!
Spikeocausius Launcher
The collision script for this launcher is identical to the other one, and I already showed the creation script, so that just leaves the push script, which is very similar to the other launcher, but not identical.
Spikeocausius Launcher Push Script | |
scrp 2 9 23 1 doif carr eq 0 doif grav eq 0 stim writ from 0 255 0 0 …45 20 36 20 0 0 0 0 setv attr 192 setv var0 posl setv var1 posb addv var0 20 subv var1 35 reps 5 anim [01234567] inst new: simp cac2 27 13 4100 0 setv cls2 2 15 16 setv attr 195 setv aero 1 setv accg 2 setv rest 100 setv size 30 mvto var0 var1 slim slow rndv vely -40 -20 loop rndv velx -7 7 untl velx ne 0 mulv velx 4 doif velx lt 0 pose 1 else pose 9 endi tick 5 targ ownr anim [6543210] snde laun over repe targ ownr setv attr 199 endi endi setv actv 0 endm |
CACTUS 2 LAUNCHER PUSH SCRIPT If not being carried { if not falling { no neural stimulus, …20 boredom--, 20 NFP-- boundaries, gravity Save position Adjust position for seed For 5 repetitions { animation Instantly New seed It’s Cactus 2 Seed (Badplant) H/C carryable, boundaries, gravity 1% vel lost to air resist 2 px/tick accel to gravity 100% vel lost after coll. Permeability for doors Move to calc location Set limits Normal script speed Random vertical speed Do { direction is -7 to 7 } until it’s not 0 Multiply direction If going left { pose 1 } else (going right) { pose 9 } Tick 5 Target launcher Finish animation Play sound Wait until animation done } Target launcher H/C carry, activateable, bounds, grav. } } Set inactive End script |
Albian Cactus Beetle
Of course, there's still one "problem" left to deal with. It's not a bug, more of an unwanted feature. The seeds of the cacti tend to fall down the elevator shaft and grow in the basement, much to the annoyance of pretty much every Creatures 2 player out there. I've decided to solve this problem with a literal bug!The Albian Cactus Beetle wanders around in the basement, and is pretty much not interactable for the hand or creatures, but if it somehow manages to get out of the basement, it'll teleport back. It gnaws at the cacti, killing them, and eats their seeds (both the originals and the updated badplant versions). No more basement cacti!
Albian Cactus Beetle Scripts | |
new: simp cbtl 18 0 5000 0 setv cls2 2 18 15 setv aero 20 setv accg 10 setv rest 50 setv size 127 setv attr 208 bhvr 0 0 slim mvto 4900 1120 sys: camt setv grav 1 tick 5 setv ov00 1 endm |
New cactus beetle it's the cactus beetle 20% vel lost to air resist 10 px/tick accel to gravity 50% vel lost after coll. Permeability for doors invisible, bounds, gravity not interactable set limits move to basement center camera gravity on timer to 5 set direction of travel: left end script |
scrp 2 18 15 6 doif wall eq 0 setv ov00 0 base 12 anim [01234] over endi doif wall eq 1 setv ov00 1 base 12 anim [43210] over endi endm |
CACTUS BEETLE COLLISION SCRIPT If hit left wall { set direction of travel: right animation base: face left turn from left to right wait til animation over } If hit right wall { set direction of travel: left animation base: face left turn from right to left wait til animation over } end script |
scrp 2 18 15 9 doif posx lt 3871 mvto 4900 1120 endi doif posx gt 5931 mvto 4900 1120 endi doif posy lt 1057 mvto 4900 1120 endi doif posy gt 1193 mvto 4900 1120 endi rndv va00 0 39 doif va00 eq 0 base 12 doif ov00 eq 1 setv ov00 0 anim [01234] over else setv ov00 1 anim [43210] over endi endi doif ov00 eq 1 base 0 anim [012345] setv vely -12 setv velx -14 else base 6 anim [012345] setv vely -12 setv velx 14 endi etch 2 0 0 doif gnus eq 15 doif spcs eq 1 doif ov00 ne 4 setv ov00 4 doif pose ge 8 pose 22 endi doif pose eq 7 pose 23 endi doif pose eq 6 pose 25 endi doif pose eq 5 pose 26 endi doif pose eq 4 pose 28 endi doif pose lt 4 pose 30 endi endi endi doif spcs eq 4 doif ov00 ne 3 setv ov00 3 setv va02 12 subv va02 pose pose va02 doif pose eq 6 pose 7 endi endi endi doif spcs eq 15 kill targ endi doif spcs eq 16 kill targ endi endi doif gnus eq 21 doif spcs eq 2 kill targ endi doif spcs eq 6 kill targ endi endi next endm |
CACTUS BEETLE TIMER SCRIPT This whole chunk detects if the …beetle has left the basement …and moves it back if needed. Generate random number 0 to 39 If that number is 0 { animation base: facing left if direction is left { set direction right animate turning around wait for animation } else (direction is right) { set direction left animate turning around wait for animation } } If direction is left { set animation base walking animation movement } else (direction is right) { set animation base walking animation movement } For each simple object touching beetle { if it's a badplant { if it's cactus 1 { set it dying and select the appropriate dying pose } if it's cactus 2 { if not already dying { set it to dying calculate appropriate pose } } if it's new cactus 1 seed { delete it } if it's new cactus 2 seed { delete it } } if it's a seed { if it's old cactus 1 seed { delete it } if it's old cactus 2 seed { delete it } } } end script |
Of course, with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous out now, I likely won't be coming back to Creatures for a while. The Crusade calls!
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