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Lop Ear Norns

[Originally written September 19 2020]

I found a thread on Reddit that gave me an idea. Or rather, it showed me an idea that Wafuru of Mernorn and Kai Norn fame came up with and never actually made into a breed.

A bit of photoshopping later and I had some concept art. I’ve done COBbling, I’ve done genetic engineering, and I’ve done sprite overhauls… I think it’s about time I make my own breed from scratch. As much as I’d like to work in Creatures 3, the one glaring omission in my otherwise quite broad artistic skills is 3D modeling, so until I jump into Blender, new breeds with fancy sprites are a no-go there. Creatures 1 and 2 on the other hand, have more “painterly” art styles, which I can work with. 

I made sure not to just copy Wafuru's art directly, but rather just use it as inspiration. No plagiarism intended, only standing on the shoulders of a Creatures 2 giant! For one thing, my Lop Ear Norns have wildly different tails and no spots. The color schemes are also a bit different, though similar, and the hairstyles are different (though the presence of hair at all is definitely inspired by the original artwork). Also, the males have horns. I feel they’re different enough to not qualify as stealing Wafuru’s work, though if I ever complete them and actually consider putting them up for other people to enjoy I’ll attempt to make contact just to be sure.

Of course, this may end up being far too ambitious a project for me – I remember how much work just revamping the Frog Norns was, and this will involve a lot more hand-drawing and intensive editing.

[Originally written November 21 2020]

I have finally finished making my first from-scratch breed, and have received permission from Wafuru to distribute the Lop Ear Norns! They are both a visual and genetic breed, having some edits to their genome as well as fancy new sprites. I’ve set all of their Pigment and Pigment Bleed genes to neutral values, so the colors you see in this image are the colors you get. Additionally, they have the following changes to their genome, which in theory should make them a touch less aggressive and a bit more skittish than the average Norn.

Gene 331: 041 sleep when v. sleepy

Organ: “Creature”, Tissue: “Sensorimotor”, Locus: “Involuntary Action 5(pass out)”. Chemical: “Sleepiness”.
Digital: Output = 0 + 255 if Signal > 230.

Organ: “Creature”, Tissue: “Sensorimotor”, Locus: “Involuntary Action 5(pass out)”. Chemical: “Sleepiness”.
Digital: Output = 0 + 255 if Signal > 200.

Lops are slightly quicker to pass out from exhaustion.

Gene 531: 005 Creature slaps me

Stimulus: “Creature slaps me”, Signficance: “128”. Reaction: “I’ve been slapped”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+64 Pain, +32 Fear, +16 Anger.

Stimulus: “Creature slaps me”, Signficance: “128”. Reaction: “I’ve been slapped”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+64 Pain, +45 Fear, +0 <nothing>.

Gene 580: 029 I've been hit

Stimulus: “I’ve been hit”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has hit me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+80 Pain, +48 Fear, +16 Anger.

Stimulus: “I’ve been hit”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has hit me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+80 Pain, +60 Fear, +0 <nothing>.

Lops don’t get mad when hit, they just become frightened.

Gene 576: The Hand SHOVED me (Emb)

Stimulus: “I’ve been pushed”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has pushed me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+32 Pain Increase, +32 Fear Increase, +47 Need for Pleasure Increase, +0 Anger Increase.

Stimulus: “I’ve been pushed”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has pushed me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+25 Pain Increase, +35 Fear Increase, +47 Need for Pleasure Increase, +0 <nothing>.

Gene XYZ: The Hand SHOVED me (Ado)

Stimulus: “I’ve been pushed”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has pushed me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+16 Pain Increase, +16 Fear Increase, +64 Need for Pleasure Increase, +64 Anger Increase.

Stimulus: “I’ve been pushed”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has pushed me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+10 Pain Increase, +20 Fear Increase, +64 Need for Pleasure Increase, +20 Anger Increase.

Gene XYZ: The Hand SHOVED me (Adu)

Stimulus: “I’ve been pushed”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has pushed me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+0 Pain Increase, +0 Fear Increase, +48 Need for Pleasure Increase, +32 Anger Increase.

Stimulus: “I’ve been pushed”, Signficance: “127”. Reaction: “IT has pushed me”, Intensity: “255”. Detected while asleep.
+0 <nothing>, +0 <nothing>, +48 Need for Pleasure Increase, +10 Anger Increase.

First of all, those gene names sound so indignant, I love them. You SHOVE Miette? You push her body like the shopping cart? Oh! Jail for Hand for one thousand years! In all seriousness, I felt bad when I discovered this gene, as I’d never realized that trying to scootch my creatures hurt them (or simply upset them in adulthood). Lops are more willing to go with the Hand’s guidance, resulting in less pain, and their timid nature makes them less angry, but also makes them slightly more afraid until they get used to it in adulthood.

Gene 388: 030 Flee approaching when Frightened

When… “Drive i/ps” “FEAR” and “General Sensory i/ps” “IT is approaching” …and you “Retreat frm it”: +127 Reward.

When… “Drive i/ps” “FEAR” and “General Sensory i/ps” “IT is approaching” …and you “Retreat frm it”: +155 Reward.

Gene 390: 036 hit approaching when angry

When… “Drive i/ps” “ANGER” and “General Sensory i/ps” “IT is approaching” …and you “Hit it”: +127 Reward.

When… “Drive i/ps” “ANGER” and “General Sensory i/ps” “IT is approaching” …and you “Hit it”: +70 Reward.

Lops are more likely to flee than fight back.

Gene 787: 045 avoid detritus

When… “Stim source i/ps” “<ID 11>(detritus)” …and you “Eat it”: +66 Punishment.

This one is just a general life improvement; I noticed Norns had an instinct to not eat weeds, but couldn’t find one for detritus, so I made a version to avoid detritus.

Download the Lop Ear Norns

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